Blue Card Study Guide

Study Guide for Blue Card Test (Rhode Island DEM Pistol Revolver Certification)

How can I buy a HANDGUN in RI?

Want to buy a HANDGUN in RI? You need to have a "Blue Card" or have completed the Hunter Safety Course and possess an "Orange Card". You can also use a DD-214.


The Blue Card does 2 things only!

It allows you to purchase a handgun and ammunition in the state of Rhode Island. It is not a possession license, or a license to carry a firearm concealed, nor is it a transportation license, as long as the gun and ammo are separate when traveling, you can transport your firearm legally, so if you already have a firearm, you don't need a Blue Card to transport it.....

The Blue Card serves 2 purposes and 2 purposes only.....allows you to buy a handgun and ammunition in RI, provided are are at least 21 years old.  If you are not a resident of RI, you can still purchase a handgun but it must be shipped to an FFL in the state where you legally reside.

You can take the Blue Card test at any gun shop in RI. They can also provide you with the Blue Card Study Guide, or CLICK HERE to read ONLINE.

How do I get a Blue Card

You must complete and pass a 50 Question Test at RI DEM or at any gun shop in RI to obtain a "Blue Card".

In addition to the BLUE CARD, to purchase a firearm, you must have a RI Driver's License or Rhode Island ID, or green card with two "bills", electric, gas, etc; you must PASS TWO (2) BACKGROUND CHECKS, one Federal and one Local, and wait 7 days (unless you have a Rhode Island city or town issued concealed carry permit**) before you can pick it up. 

IF I live out of state, can I get a RI Blue Card to purchase ammo?

Many people who live out of Rhode Island ask if they can or how they can obtain a RI Blue Card. As of the end of December 2022, you need a blue card and positive ID to purchase ammo in RI, so if you frequently purchase ammo in RI, please acquire a blue card.

We highly recommend you study the guide before you take the test.

** Rhode Island city or town issued concealed carry permit holders are exempt from the 7 day waiting period. Permits issued thru the Attorney General's Office are NOT EXEMPT from the 7 day waiting period.